Monday, September 5, 2011

SacAnime Summer 2011 - Arina's Perspective

So I went to SacAnime this past Saturday, and I have to say that it was absolutely fantastic! I cosplayed as Micronation Wy from Hetalia. (: I was in a group with Hailey, Trish, and Cassie, and we just had a great time. I spent a lot of time frolicking back and forth from the Artist's Alley to the Vendor room and back there again, and oh, goodness, it was wonderful!
I really can't wait for the next SacAnime, where we are going to stay for the entire weekend, and we'll hopefully be getting a table at the artist's alley as well. (: Lovely followers, please keep watching for more information on that if you'd like to pop by at our table! (: