Wednesday, August 1, 2012

SacAnime Summer 2012

Hello, everyone!

Believe in Cosplay will be attending SacAnime this summer, but not all of our members are going to be attending. I will be there, along with Hailey, and Alex is a maybe. We will also be joined by a friend of mine from college whose name is Lauren, and if you want to, you can check out her tumblr. The music that she produces and puts on Youtube is amazing, by the way. (:

Anyway, that pretty much wraps things up. Cosplays are either undecided or I haven't heard about them.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No art table

I just checked the sacanime site for any news on when people could start signing up for art tables. Apparently every artist is checking it every minute or something, because they're already out of space for tables. Dang. And I was hoping to get one in time this year, too. Oh, well. I guess there's always next year.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

SacAnime Winter '12 (Arina)

Oh hello!
So this past weekend, I went with Hailey and Arianna to SacAnime. This is my perspective:
We went from Friday to Sunday. I cosplayed as Micronation Wy from Hetalia mostly, taking a break to be Hibari from KHR for a meetup. For the rave, I wore Arianna's green wig that used to be long but is now short due to her sister being a pooface and messing it up.
Overall, it was really fun. I posted a video up on my youtube. so please check it out and subscribe to me, since I am a subscription whore. (:
Touch me, blogspot, touch me.

Friday, January 6, 2012

In Continuation of the Previous Post...

Hello! (: 'tis Arina here.
I just wanted to add on to Arianna's post about SacAnime and say that I am also going to be attending. I will probably be cosplaying just Micronation Wy,  because Calculus and Physics and Literature prevent me from not procrastinating. Oh, see what I did there? Haha, nevermind, I'm just being retarded.
I'm going to be staying in the hotel room with Hailey and Arianna, but since I'm a hobo who is as broke as fuck, I'm just sleeping in the closet. Shh! Don't tell my boyfriend! >.> It's okay; he'd probably like it.
Anyway, I also prepared a video for SacAnime, which can be viewed here
Oh, and today at lunch (Italian - classic. With spumoni ice cream, yum!) Alex said that she might come along with us. It's like a 99% yes, I believe?
So if anyone is planning to attend the convention, feel free to come up and say hello! Any messages sent to me will probably be seen Thursday night at the latest (woah that's tomorrow. dang), so if you want to meet up, arrangements will happen? Maybe? But please don't be creepy. In advance, I don't give out my number to people that I don't know, and I especially don't give out my number to people over the internet.